Thursday, June 30, 2022

New world, area, tile area and length of some side of the triangle...

29 June 2022- Build A World!

I'm going to make some triangle faces of a polyhedron which approximates the surface of my world sphere, starting with two vectors between three points in the surface of the sphere which represents some patch of land or sea.

July Words

30 June 2022- July Words!

Tarot Deck

30 June 2022- Tarot Deck!

I'm making a tarot deck.


Today's word is 'fan' or 'peacock!' (I couldn't decide when I made the list...)


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

More Land or Sea Tiles

29 June 2022- Build A World!

I'm going to make some triangle faces of a polyhedron which approximates the surface of my world sphere, starting with two vectors between three points in the surface of the sphere which represents some patch of land or sea.

Deck of Cards

29 June 2022- Deck of Cards

I'm making a deck of cards...

July words, WIP

31 May 2022- June Words!

This is a utility page for typing up a list of words for the next month.

Today's word is 'T. Rex'.

I made a half-assed start on July's words and determined that Friday's word is 'beach', followed by 'swordfish', 'clam', 'sandcastle', 'starfish', 'octopus', 'seahorse', 'beach-towel', 'umbrella', 'suntan lotion', 'cooler' and 'ferris wheel'.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Finally getting somewhere

23 June 2022- Arc Crawl!

Arc Crawl!

Today's word is 'polka'. I googled a picture of a polka accordion with buttons instead of piano-like keys!

I need to get something working tonight, so I'm just going to go back to 'stupid coordinate tricks', which used to work so well...

Monday, June 27, 2022

Today's word was 'patriotism. I found a neat picture with Google, but failed to do it justice...

(I just posted this this morning, I was a slug last night and went to bed)

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Broken, going to bed!

23 June 2022- Arc Crawl!

Arc Crawl!

Today's word was 'vacation' and I finally drew something. Google offered me a lot of tropical beaches and I went with coconut palms and a thatched hut. I like drawing palm fronds, they are very forgiving!

 I'm going to give my arc-crawl another try...

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Today's word is 'funeral' and I finally decided to draw a casket.

(Google images is my friend...)

I was rereading an old unfinished story which I really must finish some day...

Friday, June 24, 2022

Thirty Years of Dis-OMG!!!

In the year 2052 AD, if I am still alive, I will be 83 years old.

A ten year old today will be 40, with a job and a family, probably What will the world be like? This is based on Peter Ziehan's ideas about geography, demographics, energy, agriculture, transport and industry, all based on the disintegration of the existing global order, which came about after WWII to fight the Cold War. The US bribed up an alliance based on trade and it worked so well that it expanded and broke the Soviet Union economically.

The only problem is that we are thirty years on after the end of the Cold War and the New World Order which Bush the Elder talked about never happened. The US doesn't want to play world policeman anymore and has largely gone home after 20 wasted years on the 'Forever Wars' in the Middle East and to a lesser extent Africa. Uncle Sugar isn't gonna guarantee the shipping lanes after Covid made it clear that we need to reshore, basically, everything. It's gotten cheaper, anyway, what with the rising labor costs in China and elsewhere, the cheaper electricity costs in the US, and the shale oil and gas boom which has made the US energy independent. Cheap natural gas has transformed our chemical industries, so that after a decade of retooling we produce a lot of plastics and other industrial chemicals again.

This is good for the US, but bad for the rest of the world. Without the US, the Persian Gulf burns down eventually, until and unless the Saudis and the Iranians can get along... which is bad for East Asia and especially China.


A day late but I finally drew 'tunnel' from yesterday.

Today's word is 'travels', which I drew based on a picture I googled. The part I keyed on was wheeled luggage and a backpack in the foreground of touristy-trap stuff like the Eiffel Tower and Lady Liberty in the background.

(I want to do some calculations in G-docs like I used to do in 1N, the only good thing about MS!!!)

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Today’s world was ‘gecko’,


I have to go in early tomorrow/today/this morning in a few hours, so I need to go back to bed!


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Fixed that 2nd triangle

11 June 2022- Trying my world div thing again...

I finally have the land blob area derived from the cross product! 8-P
I have the page looking at the fan area size and comparing this to real world continent areas.
I figured out how my angles were getting messed up. The total always needs to be a positive number and I just hit the angle with Math.abs(). I can now work on building the new triangle fan off oth these three old points and the new center point.
I sorted out my problem with the area of the second new triangle, now I need to build the new triangle fan.

Yesterday’s word was ‘duck’ and today’s word was ‘wedding cake’. I drew the duck this morning and got around to the wedding cake a few hours ago.

I really need to write some code... 

Monday, June 20, 2022

Saturday’s word was ‘SQUIRREL!!!’

and Sunday’s word was ‘electric buggy’.

I need to get to bed...

Friday, June 17, 2022

Today’s word was ‘conch’, as in the shell. I had googled a nice reference, never seen one in person.

The colony game had me thinking about a straight up table-top role-playing game, using cards instead of dice so we can use resource allocation as well as pure randomness, and keep randomness low, not just with a d6 but with face value and four or five suits if using a tarot deck and treating the major arcana as an additional suit...

The name of the game is Starships and Aliens, a play on Dungeons and Dragons, Tunnels and Trolls (or Mazes and Monsters, for that matter). Therefore it must have rules for Starships, building, flying and fighting them, as well as Aliens, their strange new/old worlds and civilizations, as well as characters, of course.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Today's word was 'crab'. I think I should have made the claws bigger.

Later- I still think the claws are a little small. As I sometimes do, I made a quick touch-up after taking the first picture(s) and inked in the eyes on the stalks and had already decided to beef up the claws and arms by outlining them (the initial edge became lines or highlights maybe) and I drew in the lines of structure on the back. Good so far…


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Today's word was 'surfing'.

I'm working on the new triangle fan off of the initial triangle fan.

I have been mulling over an interstellar colony game using a poker deck (a tarot deck might be a great way to go!). Jokers are wild, clubs are engineering and construction, spades are combat, diamonds are knowledge and science and hearts are colonists.

Draw a hand of five cards and those are your strong suits. Discard a card and draw a new one until you have a colony you are ready to launch at the stars… The game then proceeds in three phases, launch, cruise and arrival. You draw cards to generate events, some sort of challenge or crisis, and resolve each based on your colony efforts’ assets, recording hits with tokens. If at any point your assets are reduced to zero, your colony effort fails and everybody dies! 8-P

Clubs are engineering challenges, engine failures, collisions, spades are in-fighting or external conflict, diamonds are discoveries, science both good and bad, hearts are social. I need to draw up lists of suggestions to the colony story you’re writing.

The final phase, arrival doesn’t mean your colony has succeeded; no, now the fun really begins! What’s the target system actually like? What challenges and possibilities await?

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Fixed the bad angle thing... and then got something else wrong

11 June 2022- Trying my world div thing again...

I finally have the land blob area derived from the cross product! 8-P
I have the page looking at the fan area size and comparing this to real world continent areas.
I figured out how my angles were getting messed up. The total always needs to be a positive number and I just hit the angle with Math.abs(). I can now work on building the new triangle fan off oth these three old points and the new center point.
(I added the areas of the two new triangles and I'm doing something qrong here...)

Today's word is 'fox', but my fox looks more like a coyote, or maybe a coy-dog.

Now, I still have to figure out my problem… back to the code!!! 8-P I think that I’ll add ¼ pi to the first angle.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Today's word is 'alright' and tomorrow's word will be 'fox'. I googled 'alright' and found an image of 'thumbs up'


Now, back to the code...


Sunday, June 12, 2022

Working out angles... I'm doing something wrong here

11 June 2022- Trying my world div thing again...

I finally have the land blob area derived from the cross product! 8-P
I have the page looking at the fan area size and comparing this to real world continent areas.
Tonight I just want to start building a second triangle fan. I already have randomly found a point index in the land plob shape. I need to know the preceding and the following point to get an angle and derive a new center point halfway around an arc between those two...

Today’s word is ‘thankful’. I found a reference picture to use, because otherwise I had no idea… 8-P

Now, back to my triangles, fans and the polygon shape for my world div.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Compared to real continents

1 June 2022- Trying my world div thing again...

I finally have the land blob area derived from the cross product! 8-P
I have the page looking at the fan area size and comparing this to real world continent areas.

Yesterday's word was 'station wagon', and I drew the ghost busters vehicle, although it looks more like an SUV.

Today's word was 'rose bush', but I guess I drew a bouquet. Mom and I went to Bob Evans this morning.


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Land Blob Area!

1 June 2022- Trying my world div thing again...

I finally have the land blob area derived from the cross product! 8-P