Friday, December 31, 2021

 I'm trying the world mapping thing again...

Trying to figure this out...

21 December 2021- World Build!

World Building, yet again!

Pop a bottle of champagne!

31 December 2021- Champagne Bottle!

Happy New Year!

The 31 Inktober 2017 prompt was 'mask'. Unfortunately, I just learned that Americas’ Other Grandma, Betty Whitre, has died at 99 years young.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The code is beating me up...

26 December 2021- New Lands!

Click in 'offset' to start! Currently I'm drawing bubbles but I want to make triangles of territory...


Nelson's word today is 'potato', so I drew a hot potato

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Dynamic Clickable Triangle Div

26 December 2021- New Lands!

Click in 'offset' to start! Makes mapspace where the user can place a triangle and click it1


The 28 Inktober prompt was 'fall', after yesterday's 'climb', so I drew this. As usual this is very sloppy; I have a meeple on a ladder which is falling sideways. The meeple is hanging on to the gutter and a meeple in the window is looking out in horror and surprise.

I need to step through my map-making page-

  1. Get XY offset and pick an initial point in mapspace; done.

  2. Make an initial triangle (if there are no other triangles); I have the page making any old triangles, not quite.

  3. I now have an initial triangle and dynamically added clickability. I used this to change the color of the triangle. I need to use it to push out triangles adjacent to this initial triangle, off the sides and away from the corners.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Initial Triangles

26 December 2021- New Lands!

Click in 'offset' to start! Currently I'm drawing bubbles but I want to make triangles of territory...


I haven't been drawing my sketches but I will get one done tomorrow. For tonight, I just want to get a page taking user inputs through mouse clicks to draw some 'marching triangles'. I have an offset div for a button which lets the user define that XY offset for the page by clicking the div. This is because I can't seem to predict what that offset will be in advance, so I have to see where the offset div actually is in the page by getting XY when the div is clicked. This is not terribly precise but better than nothing, and I expect that I should be able to correct the offset over time, maybe? 8-P

After the page has an XY offset, the offset div is transformed into a 520 by 520 px map space div. The user clicks on a point inside this div to select a starting point for their map-making. The page then takes this origin and generates a complete circular triangle fan (four or more, probably five triangles) around this point, of clickable triangle divs. The user clicks on one of these triangles to use as the start point and the page generates any adjacent triangles which don’t exist yet. In the case of the clickable triangle div in this circular triangle fan we have two neighbors in the circular triangle fan and an open outer edge. We push out the two endpoints of this edge, making an arc of triangles (and the missing adjacent triangle) around the one endpoint and then another arc around the other endpoint. Each triangle has three adjacent triangles to go to next and which would be clickable so that we can pick one and move on to it. We want as many clickable divs as we have initial triangles in the circular triangle fan (again, probably four or five), then we will redefine our clickable divs to use them as we need to. When we move, the current triangle div can be clicked again to change something about it, probably toggling between land and sea, but two of the former adjacent divs will be reassigned to two current adjacent divs. This gives us a small number of constantly reassigned clickable divs, if I figure out how to make this work.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

New Lands

26 December 2021- New Lands!

Click in 'offset' to start! Currently I'm drawing bubbles but I want to make triangles of territory...


Passable glass and bubbles

21 December 2021- Champagne Bubbles!

Click in 'offset' to start!


Thursday, December 23, 2021

Popping Bubbles!

21 December 2021- Champagne Bubbles!

Click in 'offset' to start!


The 23 Inktober 2017 prompt was 'juicy', which made me think of the action heroes' comment in 'The Mummy' (This sorry looking bastard has lost his mummy… I’ll see myself out, thanks! 8-P)

I want to get more complicated with the bubbles and the first thing I want to do is remove the bubble at random.

Fixed my lagging problem!

21 December 2021- Champagne Bubbles!

Click in 'offset' to start!


The 22 Inktober 2017 prompt was 'trail' and Nelson's word today is 'cashier'
(my distant meeple seems to have their hair on fire)

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Bubbles, again!

21 December 2021- Champagne Bubbles!

Click in 'offset' to start!


'Furious' storm assaults teepee. The 21 Inktober 2017 prompt was 'furious'.

Monday, December 20, 2021


21 December 2021- World Build!

World Building, yet again!

Bubbles First!

20 December 2021- Make Bubbles!

Bubbles first, shapes after!

Nelson's word today was 'Christmas Tree'. Also today he gave me a set of colored pencils, so I drew it again in green, brown, etc. (Note to self, don't smear the pencil drawing!!! 8-P)

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Blue dots, no floaty bubbles 8-(

15 December 2021- Champagne Glass!

I drew a decent champagne glass and now I want to draw the champagne, then animate some bubbles. I also want to let the user click on the glass div and agitate the champagne, to make more bubbles!

I guess I had nothing to say this weekend 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

The 18 Inktober 2017 prompt was 'filthy', so I drew a pile of garbage… 

After work Mom and I had lunch with Uncle Jim, Aunt Renee and Uncle Johnny (I’d never called him that before…). Then I zonked out as per usual and got back up finally.

At work I was thinking about rivers and river basins, mostly how to procedurally draw this sort of thing. I generate a river mouth and the first branching or turn in the river, and then the next. If there’s no branching, the land pushes out both banks away from the river at this first turn to make a quad/four triangle fan around this turn, but if there is a branching, how many? One? Two? More?! I can set of a dead simple oracle here, of none, or if not none, ‘one more’, and then the area around as necessary;

The 18 Inktober 2017 prompt was 'filthy', so I drew a pile of garbage… 

After work Mom and I had lunch with Uncle Jim, Aunt Renee and Uncle Johnny (I’d never called him that before…). Then I zonked out as per usual and got back up finally.

At work I was thinking about rivers and river basins, mostly how to procedurally draw this sort of thing. I generate a river mouth and the first branching or turn in the river, and then the next. If there’s no branching, the land pushes out both banks away from the river at this first turn to make a quad/four triangle fan around this turn, but if there is a branching, how many? One? Two? More?! I can set of a dead simple oracle here, of none, or if not none, ‘one more’, and then the area around as necessary;

The 18 Inktober 2017 prompt was 'filthy', so I drew a pile of garbage… 

At work I was thinking about rivers and river basins, mostly how to procedurally draw this sort of thing. I generate a river mouth and the first branching or turn in the river, and then the next. If there’s no branching, the land pushes out both banks away from the river at this first turn to make a quad/four triangle fan around this turn, but if there is a branching, how many? One? Two? More?! I can set of a dead simple oracle here, of none, or if not none, ‘one more’, and then the area around as necessary;

Friday, December 17, 2021

Still working on bubbly animation...

15 December 2021- Champagne Glass!

I drew a decent champagne glass and now I want to draw the champagne, then animate some bubbles. I also want to let the user click on the glass div and agitate the champagne, to make more bubbles!

'Fat' was the 16 Inktober 2017 prompt so I drew ‘Bubba’ the buddha…

and Nelson's word was 'deer' yesterday, so I drew a reindeer-

The 17 
Inktober 2017 prompt was 'graceful', so I drew some butterflies and a rose bud

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Champagne Glass

15 December 2021- Champagne Glass!

I drew a glass. I want to get to a decent champagne glass, and animate some bubbles. I also want to let the user click on the glass div and agitate the champagne, to make more bubbles!

Nelson's word was 'snow', so I drew the 'snow' monster, with the crown, from 'Frozen'. I have him (or her) peeking out around a curtain, so either playing hide and sneak or taking an ice shower…

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Trying the world peach polyhedron again

I am trying this world peach polyhedron again.