Friday, June 30, 2023

This morning's prompt was 'eldritch horror'.

I could build up a list of edges of some area, land or sea, as triangles with two of the three vertices matching the edge, which is of course a line segment with two endpoints. We can generate a 3D cross product from a preceding and following vector, and normalize the point at the end of that vector added to the current vertex.

The whole point of this exercise is that I want to be able to define areas on a reasonably smooth round surface, most likely a world but potentially modeling some 3D shape, like a house, a plant, an animal or a starship.

The simplest forms are points, line segments with two endpoints and a distance and points between the endpoints, triangles with three corner/vertex/points and three edges/line segments, an area and points within the triangle, and tetrahedrons which have four vertices, four triangle faces, six edge/line segments, and points within the volume and on the surface of the tetrahedron. I can build a map of the surface of something with some finite number of triangle faces, iterating around curves and whatnot. I could build up a reasonably good world map by subdividing strips of latitude based on the circumference by latitude, where the base of each triangle is at least, say, a kilometer of latitude and the third point is north or south of the line segment between two endpoints, with periodic adjustments. The initial strip at the pole is a triangle fan, then each strip of latitude is made up of quads subdivided as necessary into triangle pairs, some of which may need to be adjusted, subdivided or collapsed out of existence!

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Exploring some stars and worlds

25 June 2023- Make a strip of land...

I'm starting over yet again with the star map. Clicking on a star tells the page to regenerate and redraw the sta map around that star, and if the user clicks the selected star again, the page generates and draws a star system with planets. Clicking the star sends the user back the star map, while clicking a planet sends the user to the planet system, which may have moons. I need a way to go back, but clicking the planet or moon sends the user to a world map.
Now I have a plan, for tomorrow...
type in a seed for the pseudo random number(PR#):

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.

Galactic Coordinates

This morning's prompt was 'mexican standoff'.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

This morning's prompt is 'whitewater rafting'. Ryan saw it as an alligator.

Working on planet forming, again...

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


27 June 2023- Planet Formation!

Gonna make some worlds!!!

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers (default of tau or 2*pi).

Text for my star here!

This morning's prompt was 'sidewinder'.

Looking at how planet agglomeration works in theory and in a sim named stargen. Planets sweep up dust and only accumulate gas if they're big enough and the medium is cold enough. Worrying about dust then gas, the sim places particles one by one to grab dust and maybe gas, with many 'duds' as the inventory is depleted. A particle has an orbit which it sweeps out between near and far based on eccentricity.

Monday, June 26, 2023

This morning's prompt was 'spider centaur'. I found a reasonably cute and non-creepy reference on the Google.


Sunday, June 25, 2023

New Setting...

17 June 2023- Journaling Your Solo Roleplay

I'm working on a solo game...

Strip of land...

June 25 2023- Make a strip of land...

I'm going to push out a strip of land (but perhaps not tonight...).
type in a seed for the pseudo random number(PR#):

The page needs a number from which to generate some pseudo-random numbers.

World Data

Restarted My Prompts!

25 June 2023- My Prompts Utility!

This is a utility page for typing up a list of words for the next month.

This morning's prompt was 'ishmeal', from Barbara Hambly's Star Trek novel, but the google showed me classical paintings and this is based on Hagar and her son... there's a reason I hate the Old Testament.


Saturday, June 24, 2023

Try this again...

22 December 2022- Grid of Clickable Divs!

Yellow boxes for stars.

This morning's prompt was 'The Final Reflection', also by John M. Ford. BTW, I've always had a sneaking suspicion that Bujold's 'Shards of Honor' started life out as a Star Trek novella, and of course today I've been thinking about 'Barrayar'. Prigo ended his Pu-pu coup, apparently...

Stuff and nonsense, you can't see the board!

Friday, June 23, 2023

This morning's prompt was "How Much For Just The Planet?"

I need to get something actually accomplished this weekend, if only because Monday is my anniversary...

Thursday, June 22, 2023

This morning's prompt was 'coconut palms'.

If you don't know what a UV sphere is, think of the quads in a rectangular world map, longitude by latitude, where the quads have different widths when they're mapped to the surface of a sphere. If you subdivide the quads into triangle pairs (of course the polar quads are already triangles) you get triangular faces of a polyhedron.

These quads and triangles are all different widths because the circumference varies by latitude but we're cutting the quads up by latitude, not width in miles or kilometers. As the world map is built up from either side of the equator the quads are shortened and subdivided into triangles.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Moving around a star map

21 June 2023- 10 LY Cube

Going with a 10 LY cube, this time. The page will fill a 10 by 10 by 10 grid of LY^3 with stars based on a PR# generated from the coordinates of that LY^3. There should be an average of about 43 star systems or points of interest (I'll need to figure that out!).
Movement around the map will involve clicking on the star div. As each star system is generated the page makes a clickable daughter div and places it within the parent star map div. Selecting a star causes the page to erase the current map and generate a new grid centered on the selected coordinates.

Hex crawl?

27 December 2022- Grid of Incognito Hexes!

Incognito Hexes.

This morning's prompt is 'ruins' and I will copy and paste it in later.

I think that I want to go back to drawing stars as clickable divs. By clicking on the star, you recenter the local star map on that coordinates and the page looks at all the LY^3 around that coordinate. The page is generating stars based on a pseudo random # which is in turn based on the grid of LY^3.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Habitable Worlds

19 June 2023- Stars And Worlds

Stars and Worlds

I'm writing a monte carlo sim of the stars within a 52 LY cube (reduced to 26). I have been going with 520 pixel map div and that makes each LY^3 10 px across.

This morning's prompt was "go fly a kite".

Last night I got started on a Monte Carlo sim of the stars within a 52 LY cube. Tonight I need to 'roll up' some rocky inner worlds which may be big enough to have Earth like worlds which may be habitable.

Monday, June 19, 2023

52 LY Cube

19 June 2023- Stars And Worlds

Stars and Worlds

I'm writing a monte carlo sim of the stars within a 52 LY cube. I have been going with 520 pixel map div and that makes each LY^3 10 px across.

This morning's prompt was 'eye spy'.

I need to run a monte carlo for habitable worlds within 100 LY of Sol.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Random Stars

18 June 2023- Known Space!

Space within 200 LY of Sol?

This morning's prompt was 'starship and crew'.

Aliens or humans only?

Saturday, June 17, 2023


17 June 2023- Journaling Your Solo Roleplay

I'm working on a solo game...

This morning's prompt was 'she was yar', a phrase from the philadelphia story.

I failed at Juno Sector, let's reboot, yet again! 8-P

Why? Why am I doing this to myself? This is a very good question and I really should figure it out, but all I want to do right now is make some sort of strange old world for space adventure! Which involves specifications which will imply things about the setting, dongma?

So, what specifications?

Aliens, strange old living worlds (alien home worlds, human and alien daughter worlds, etc.). Why didn't some alien civilization colonize Earth and wipe out Humanity, or at least make us a subject race? (Maybe they did?)

Easy double talk FTL travel, with starships. Starships are common and easy to get. Why?

Easy FTL and aliens don't go well together, unless there's some reason why the galaxy goes fallow frequently. Something there is which hunts the dawn...

Humans only Easy FTL is basically Isaac Arthur's Foundation. Hunters of Dawn and aliens with easy FTL implies incompetent bad guys. All in all, I think I'll go with speciation and uplift of a Terragen Clade sweeping out into an empty galaxy and the universe...

Not quite empty, though. There are rare strange old living worlds, one percent of one percent is a hundred million in a galaxy of a trillion or more worlds. That and a rise and fall of starfaring civilizations leads to something like Star Wars; I have always had a personal head cannon of thousands or millions of terraformed worlds and that the force is actually interacting with the terraforming tech... 8-P

A cubic light century is a million cubic LY, with less than ten thousand star systems and one or two living worlds. If there are an average of two rock balls per system and, say, 150,000 systems within 200 LY of Sol, that's 30 living worlds including Earth. There are probably an order of magnitude to two orders of magnitude more worlds which might be terraformable, and that may be what this future history holds for us. At 1 LY/hr this is a sphere of influence a few weeks across, and it would be a herculean feat to trek from one side of the galaxy to the other, 11-12 years...

Friday, June 16, 2023

This morning's prompt was 'iron heart'.

Iron Heart has hair, glorious hair...

Thursday, June 15, 2023

This morning's prompt is 'love a duck', from Lord love a duck, get your mind out of the gutter! 8-P

I want to estimate how many earth mass planets are within 200 LY.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Better world-building...

14 June 2023- Worldbuilding!

I'm going to strip out all the procedural 'nonsense' and just build a world map. Tonight I had the page print the border points of the polygon and then copy and pasted that back into the code. It's sad coding but I'm going to go ahead and hard code all the divs, from the world map to the land bits; what isn't land will be sea...

World Data

This morning's prompt was 'just draw an alien, vlc', so a plant/fungoid alien.

This could be the alien healer from yesterday.

I've heard some great things about 'Beyond the Wall' a no-prep fantasy game for basically setting up a zero-session. You design your village and the young heroes of what would basically be a young adult fantasy novel about a handful of main characters, their friends, enemies and kin (who can be either, of course 8-P)

I just dled a couple of supplements and probably would have spent money on hardcopy and a zip file by now if I wasn't looking for something more along the lines of my beloved 'hard SF space adventure', emphasis on no magic and psionics…

I guess I'll keep on floundering around. The thing to do, I know, is to buckle down and write my own (Hahaha! Sigh).

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

I just want to make a world here...

11 June 2023- Pushing out arcs!

I'm going to strip out all the procedural 'nonsense' and just build a world map.

World Data