Sunday, September 18, 2022

Today's prompt is 'whiskey', with an 'e'. I drew a glassful!

Yesterday I was reading a pdf of Stars without number, which I wrote off a few years back because it's based on d&d and had magic/psi. Taking another look and while reading the random tables for NPCs, saw Crawford has three ages, young, middle aged and old... Middle aged is always roughly whatever age you happen to be, but objectively half of life expectancy. So young is under one third, old is over two thirds and I'm getting close! 8-P But young always feels like half or two thirds your current age and old is ten to twenty years older, or maybe a third or half again. For me that would be 27 to 35 and 71 to 80!

I need to draw the cells inside my asteroid, a triangle if there are three corners, and a quad if there are all four. If there's only one or two, you can't form a polygon here. I can then use the sides of the triangle to find the area with the cross product and if I have a quad this is a pair of triangles. I just need to do the work, code the code!

If I build out the landmass and seas of a world by area by 'growing' triangles of quads then I can constanfly update the borders of the world div.

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