Friday, December 1, 2023

This morning's prompt was 'dog sled'.

Gary Jones talked to me about writing the history of eagle group and I tried to talk him out of it, but now I have an idea for a slice of the zombie apocalypse. Ski talking with Bear about a building they're squatting and fortifying. Electricians and mechanics, builders, plumbers et al.

That said, take my sinusoidal mask code and adapt it for the 2D vector thing? I have a mousedown functionality, don't need it for the android, unless I can figure out how to make mousemove work in a page in my blog on my cell...

So, anyway, if I'm not hung up on wrapping the text in my page around the div, I can go back to working on the starmapper, system display and then drill down to habitable worlds, planets or moons

(the text editor is a little persnickety in/on my cell. I can make it work, but I'm not liking this much today)

Find some point in the Galaxy (or universe...), look at some volume with about thirty star systems in it, and generate planets, looking for 'm-class' worlds. Some of these stars will be multiples and on average there are two in each system but half will be singletons, a quarter will be binary stars, one in eight will be trinary and the rest will be four or more. It gets complicated very fast ..

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