Monday, April 13, 2020

Simple Character Generator


This is a simplistic character generator based very loosely on RPGs like FATE or Risus. You come up with aspects which define who your character is and what they can do. The page then generates a die code for the die or dice you would roll to see how good you are if you attempt to use that aspect in a game. Sorry, you can't save the character or print it out, but you can copy and paste the text into a text editor.

In an actual game, you will want some default fighting and damage resistance aspect...

Type in an aspect and click the button to add that aspect to your character.

1 comment:

  1. Fly like a Demon! 3d6+1
    Sing like an Angel 1d6
    Good with a Knife 0d6+2
    Better with a Staff 2d6+1
