Wednesday, March 13, 2024

This morning's prompt is 'beer'.

What happens to beer left too long?
For that matter, how long do cans and bottles of food really last?
And, statistics, how fast can a given population quiet their zload?

SWM Seeking a survival partner in teotwawki 
The zpoc drabbles all seem like that, looking for a a zombie apocalypse partner, or since there are no zombie movies, Single White Guy Seeking A Survivor Buddy After The End Of The World As We Knew It?
The signage was neat and considerate. 'Caution, Biohazard, Approach At Own Risk' and 'Previous Occupant Needs Attention, STAT'. Tom approached the front door and reported a big ziplock bag inside another ziplock bag, taped to the front door.
"Looks like a large manila envelope."
Carol made him come back and then Brenda and Ben played RPS; she cheated again and did the honors. The inner bag held an envelope with a note and a set of keys.
"To whom it may concern. The keys are to the house and contents," she read. "Please use them in health and wisdom. I have been bitten..."  Brenda looked off into the middle distance for a bit, then resumed. "I did not feel like killing myself, nor did I feel like leaving my... remains free range to do what comes naturally. Therefore I would consider it a personal favor if you would do me a solid. Be careful. Sorry about the trouble."
She glanced down at the bottom of the page.
"P.S. There's beer in the stream at the back of the property. Finish them off for me. Thanks in advance, Harold Flint."

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