Tuesday, June 29, 2021

I need to finish up peeps and get my flag animating and waving for the fourth. This morning, for peeps, I was looking at how to make it possible to only pick a point in the floor of the virtual box containing the peeps, although now of course I need them to be out in their run with the chicken condo on one end. I can place the chicken condo on the right and have the grass (procedural blades of grass?) for the floor, wire grates on the left, at the bak and the top. I can handle that by making quads as surfaces of my box. For now I just want to draw a grid of X’s which will link up to make the crisscrossing wire of the grates. I need to plot out the five faces we can see and ignore the sixth one we are looking in through, then subdivide the grates into a grid of cells to make wires (or instead figure out and display the wires? I can make the segments different sizes, so no...) and the interior of the chicken condo.

Back to extrusion? The peep as a box, shaped and subdivided? I’ve looked at pulling on points and stretching and subdividing triangles, but I could also pull a quad face out, cloning and moving new points and displacing the original face outwards and joining this face to the original edges, which is what I usually see people doing as extrusion in how to use blender tutorials, for example. We can keep doing that and making limb segments that way, or what I should do is grab the point I want to pull out in a limb and make a limb object with a list of vertices and triangles. Body thing as the base for limbs? That can be a tetrahedron, an octahedron, a cone, cylinder, UV sphere or cube/box. For the limb, I start with the point and make a list of triangles which belong to that point and therefore the limb, or the triangles which share that point, really.

(Why am I revisiting this yet again? I can’t escape the nagging suspicion that there must be an easier way! 8-)

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