Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Pyramid shapes to torsos

I zonked out yesterday after Uncle Frankies’ funeral, so I didn’t get my words written and I didn’t get anywhere with the procedural pyramid, all from two points picked by the user. I need to shorten the distance between them by moving the points closer together if they’re too far apart, so that I can make a ‘true’ pyramid, with the base at the second point and keep it all on screen. I owe myself a double drabble, so here goes…

I was working on turning some vector (from two 3D points the page gets from the user) derived pyramids into a humanoid shape today. The pyramids are important, but an octahedron is better for a torso. You turn the left and right vertices into the arm segment base, a quad which is a pyramid base, although we can turn it into an octagonal ring or subdivide it even more if we want or need to. But I want to keep things simple, so a quad will do. We also need a smaller neck base at the top of the torso and a waist below, then the leg bases below that at a slight angle from vertical. This gives us a few quad rings and isolated points we can mesh to form a low poly body shape.

Of course, the simpler thing to do is to go back to my peep object model, starting with the body center, feet and facing pointing towards our head. The wings and tail is a simple matter of subtracting the facing to find the tail and cloning then subtracting some height, in this case y, from the left and right foot. We’re looking for a neck base, a tail base, and a pair of leg and wing bases, at the halfway point or maybe closer to the center of my peep. The limb segments pop off the limb bases as pyramid shapes which connect and mesh with the limb base.

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