Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Junker/Junkyard Dogs- I’ve done this before, but I didn’t get to it the other night. The idea being that trash and our dumps will be richer ore bodies than any random hectare of land and so we would probably start there with a clanking replicator… Two items, then. Establish mining and refining of existing junkyards, dumps and recycling centers and treatment of wastewater run-off from polluted rivers and streams plus city sewers and eventually the suburbs. Perhaps combining a junkyard with wastewater treatment, it has an inlet off some random local polluted river, even one polluted by agricultural runoff, especially that. A little vertical farming of hemp for cellulose, burning the hemp for carbon, phosphorus and potassium.

But more on this, later!

I do need to continue with the surfboard story, starting with the two FBI agents. What’s their deal? The Federal Bureau of Investigation is true enough to its name, a bureau for investigating things on the behalf of the federal government. Certain crimes and threats to the US of course, although they perform background checks on political appointees. The DOJ  provides legal advice to the executive office, so the FBI may be gathering testimony and evidence for a legal brief and the two are investigating Mr. Teeth.

The story problem is the surfboard, perhaps including some surf punks trying to steal it? But the emergent story problem is about Mr. Teeth staying on Earth. I’m thinking that someone died.

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