Saturday, November 13, 2021

Nelson’s word today is ‘Texas’ and the 13 Inktober 2019 prompt was ‘ash’, following yesterday’s ‘dragon’. An ‘ash dragon eats ashes? I drew an ash dragon hatching out of your fireplace ashes… someone found an interesting rock? Or someone saved a dragon’s egg after the adventurers killed their old friend and we have a long-winded revenge plot!

The dead simple character generator-

So I created an herbalist who wants to raise a dragon- (34/33) Herbalist-34 and Hedge Wizard- 33, Paper Making- 15, (41/40) Arcane Lore-41, Healer- 40. Herb the Hedge Wizard and wise old hermit might be Herberta the Witch instead? A trans hedge wizitch, driven out of the village for cross-dressing? No, I can imagine the hermit with-drawing amicably and the oldsters may be vicious old fools but their kids grew up and had kids and they don’t care. Herberta has always been the way she is, is all.

In the Real World today I helped my brother Cliff cut down the old, mostly dead, tree in the front yard. We took pictures of it, including this one, but he won’t let me post the one where he takes a ‘Captain’ pose…

I just now coded up something, another placeholder really. I want some clickable paragraph to replace an initial explanation of the purpose of the page, dongma?

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