Sunday, November 28, 2021

The 28 Inktober 2019 prompt was 'ride' and the last two words from Nelson were 'church'  and 'job'. Riding makes me think of a motorcycle and I don't know what church and job make me think of... How about a biker crashes into a church service. He needs help!

I’ve been watching an English guy (a gay guy named ‘Guy’, actually) who has a you-tube channel about how to be a great GM… I know some great GMs, so he’s got some nerve! 8-P But the thing I just watched and want to try, for writing characters, actually, not just RPGs, is NPC AI, called OGAS: Occupation, Goal, Attitude and Stake. Occupation isn’t just your job, but it’s what occupies your life and a goal is the thing you want. Obviously there can be several of either, but keep it simple, dumbass! 8-P Attitude is the character’s attitude towards everything, angry, affable, loving, kind, apathetic, resentful, etc. Stake is their investment in the first three things, how important keeping their job, achieving their goal or being kind is. Again, this doesn't have to be the same, but for our purposes it is…

Greg the biker has to get an item of great power to a sorcerer to stop an eldritch horror. Greg hates everybody but he hates this thing even more because it took away ‘his Linda..’ and he will die to get it all done! He will literally ride through hell.

Something happens, something weird, perhaps some violence, or social interaction. How are these different things connected? 

1. A horse throws a shoe and we need it reshod

2. Two merchants we're guarding start to fight, with knives!

3. The goat's milk sours

4. A landslide takes out 1d6 pack horses, 1d3 laborers and maybe a merchant, even odds

* a gremlin is having a great time!

One-Eyed Bob is a ditch-digger who wants to buy a new shovel. 'Life sucks, but at least I have a ditch to dig...' He's got a 20% stake in things, will easily give in and give up 8-(

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